
"Money is a tool, just like a Hammer, when used consciously and with love, it can build anything…

but when used unconsciously and with fear it can destroy anything on its way."

What are your beliefs about MONEY?

If you were born in a low to mid class family like the vast majority of us, you probably heard at one point something along these lines : “Money is the root of all evil”, “The more money we have, the more problems we see” (Also a song) or even this old classic “Rich people are greedy”… So many stories we were conditioned to believe about money, I’ve been guilty of believing those stories myself. Until the day I finally came to a new realization: Money in itself is just a tool! And just like any other tool we can use it for the better or the worst. To build and expand on the things we want to see in the world.

Think of it in terms of ENERGY...

ENERGY flows, ENERGY circulates. The more we direct our focus and spend our ENERGY to move towards the goals that are important to us, the more these things will amplify and manifest in our lives. Whenever we choose to put our ENERGY to service, it expands. Whenever we hold in our ENERGY for too long, it becomes stagnant. Be conscious of the ways you spend your ENERGY as it dictates what you create and nourish in this world.”

Now read that paragraph again and replace the word “ENERGY” with “MONEY

Money is just another unit to measure Energy in value, just like the calories are measured in Joules.

Choose your vehicle and destination...

Now that we’ve established that Money is just the FUEL the question naturally arises: What type of vehicle are we choosing to fuel and what’s our destination?

Our vehicle is our means, the different forms of action (DOING) to move towards our destination. It could be a Philanthropic call, Entrepreneurship, Volunteering, working for, buying or investing in something or someone we believe in).

Finally our destination is not necessarily a fixed destination or a physical place, it is for the most part a state of BEING: Happiness,  Fulfilment, Excitement, Alignment, Love, Compassion, Kindness, Inner Peace, Bliss, Empathy, etc. These are all examples of destinations.

How powerful are we really?

We often hear about the 1% holding 50 % of the wealth, which means Us (the people) we still hold the other 50%. Let’s not underestimate the power we have as individuals to change our world with our money$. Billionaires like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos got to where they are today because we, as individuals and as a society, have made the decision to contribute with our dollars (Energy) to help them grow, whether we’re conscious about this or not. So many of us don’t realize this but our dollars speak louder than voting. We can't keep relying on our government to create the changes we want to see in this world. It is the time we stand up and take our part of responsibility for being a catalyst of change in the world It is the little choices we make as INDIVIDUALS everyday that dictate how we are evolving as a COLLECTIVE. 

So if you still think that the products and services you buy don’t have any real power just think about vegetarian and vegan products in the supermarket. I remember probably about 5 -10 years ago, back in 2010, the number of Vegan/Vegetarian products were very limited. Now, most grocery stores have a whole aisle (and even more) dedicated exclusively to these type of products. This is just one of the many discernible examples of changes we can create trough our daily choices. It may not seem like your individual consumption makes a difference, but trust me it does.

Also every time we buy quality stuff that is good for our Body, Mind and Soul, we are in return helping the world shift into a whole new level of consciousness. As the demand of higher quality products and services grows, so does the offer. The more we support healthy food stores the more they will replace low quality food stores, the more we invest in those we believe in, the more we fuel and support their dream. So the next time you spend your dollars just ask yourself this question: Am I contributing to the expansion of something I want to see in this world?

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