
You know how many people it would take to orchestrate a worldwide conspiracy?

Hundreds and thousands around the world some would say... But actually, all it would take is just a handful of the most rich, powerful and influential individuals with an agenda of domination and control woking together and they could easily hire anyone from different specialized fields (Physicians, Doctors, Economists, Politicians, Scientists, Teachers or even build an Army) and guess what? Nobody would even know it, other than those few individuals.

This is how you can create this Massive Collective Conditioning:

Make sure each person you hire knows what they need to know to keep the big machine functioning (Just their piece of the puzzle). Your ideal servants would be the ones doing their part of the job without questioning it, without awareness of the bigger picture of why they're doing it, just make them believe your agenda is for their greatest good, for their happiness, for democracy, for their own success for which they worked and studied so hard to achieve, to defend the nation or any other story that fulfills their needs for answers…Offer them a “Rat Race” or “9 to 5” work model, combined it with a lifestyle of Entertainment and Propaganda that will keep them busy and hinder their ability to see clearly. Distract the masses with constant noise, numb their brains and prevent them from thinking freely keep them away from asking themselves the most meaningful questions. buy their silence, bribe them with money so that they can get the new gadget that will keep them “happy” and distracted from the truth for as long as possible until they can afford the next piece of “Happiness" and keep them in that ongoing cycle of lust through materialistic pursuit: The good old “American dream”.

And those who dare open their eyes and ask themselves the real questions, simply turn them against each other by diffusing disinformation, misinformation and fear, create uncertainty among the general population, make it about politics, race, nationalism or religion because that always works to create more divisions, (Divide and conquer they say).

For those who venture themselves a little further and manage to see beyond the veil of division and labels and start sharing their truth, for the most incorruptible ones, those rebels that cannot be bought with money, those who’s voices start to become more courageous and influential, for those, bigger measures are necessary. First, silence their voices by any possible means. Start by using mockery, label them as “Crazy", “Delusional" or “Conspiracy Theorists”. Try to destroy their credibility and reputation by engaging in a psychological warfare using your money and influence over mainstream media to gain the popular narrative on your side, if that doesn't work, censor their voices.

When these Rebels become “Whistleblowers” with undeniable proof and credibility that threatens the agenda of domination and control. Now they're becoming a real threat so it's time to move on to the bigger weapons and condemn them as "terrorists of the nation" like they did with Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.

Finally, when everything else fails and there is no way to silence them or restrain them, it is time to use the last weapon of the arsenal: Lethal force…like the one used on John F. Kennedy or Dr. Steven Greer's team members.

And there you have it! You got yourself an unsustainable and dysfunctional system based on exploitation, domination, control and secrecy… Sounds familiar…?

Do I believe everything I previously mentioned to be 100% true?

Saying that I know the whole truth about anything would be a very foolish and presumptuous claim to make, I don't think any human being can make such a statement.

But, there is plenty of evidence and "coincidences" pointing in the direction that something along these lines is happening to our world, one does not need to be a genius to realize numerous flaws in our system and actual conspiracies.

So how is it possible that some people refuse to acknowledge the dysfunctional face of our societies and label many of these evidence based claims as baseless "Conspiracy Theories"?

But even if we acknowledge all these conspiracies, what can we really do about this complex issue?

Mentioning what is wrong with our world without offering solutions is merely complaining and complaining by itself is not going to create meaningful change. So instead, here are some of the things we can do to liberate ourselves from this collective conditioning and regain back our personal power and freedom and raise the collective consciousness
This issue is not about one "ism" vs another "ism" it is not one "ist" vs another "ist". This transcends all labels beyond politics, religion, race and it concerns every human being on planet earth whether you identify yourself as tall short, black, white, Left wing, Right wing, gay, trans, straight, feminist, antifa or even a table for what I care. This is about Uniting the whole spectrum of Humanity and gaining back our freedom, it's about humanity liberating itself. Healing from a parasite that has been corroding every sphere of our system and draining the life force out of it. I will call this parasite darkness, but feel free to replace it with whatever label you prefer.
When I talk about "THE System" I'm refering to 2 types of systems:
Our "COLLECTIVE SYSTEM" Which are the different disciplines and institutions that organize our society within the 13 Sectors of Human activity as described by Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter in their documentary "Thrive 2" (Arts, Economics, Education, Environment, Governance, Health, Infrastructure, Justice, Media, Relations, Science, Spirituality, Worldview).
and then our "INDIVIDUAL SYSTEM" Which are the different areas that compose our individual human experience (Body, Mind and Spirit). Both systems(COLLECTIVE and INDIVIDUAL) are interconnected and interdependent.
This virus is a manifestation of the darkness that has been here all along, but we refused to acknowledge. And it affects not only our collective system, but also our individual System.
"As above so below, as within so without"

So how do we start healing from this virus and transmute this darkness into light?


There are 5 stages to this:

Just like for any other issue the first step is always to acknowledge that there is an issue to begin with. Recognizing that there is in fact a situation of imbalance, a challenge, addressing important problems, pain, distress, disorder or any other feeling that is not in alignment with our soul and by proxy our mother earth.
Realizing our responsibility in this? Our role? What are the beliefs we got from our own life experience, our parents, society... What are the toxic patterns that created these type of situations? What are our Physical, Mental and emotional wounds that create our triggers? What are the stories we tell ourselves about different concepts (Politics, Relationships, Money, Freedom, Peace, etc)?
Now that we brought self awareness and we recognized the toxic patterns and beliefs that create this state of imbalance. It is time to press the reset button and to reprogram everything we thought we knew about ourselves and how the world operates. This is the time to challenge all our beliefs together by having real conversations. The key element for this is to keep a flexible and open mind, to tell ourselves that anything is possible, that we are constantly evolving beings and it's ok to change our beliefs as many times as we want. What ever beliefs that we had before, dont define who we are today, that is why we HAVE a belief, we ARE NOT a belief. We can let beliefs go whenever they don't serve us anymore. Our ego is going to try and pull us right back into our "comfortable" situation or story, you know the same story that always brought us the same results. But this is not the time to give in to our egos, this is the time to be radically honest with ourselves.
Once we reprogram our beliefs, it is time to create the new habits, rituals and daily actions that will help us integrate our new self, adapt to our new truth. Notice how I say OUR new truth, because our perception of the "truth" is constantly evolving as we do. In fact Truth is always present what changes is our awareness, our perception of it. Truth cannot be imposed upon anyone. The moment we feel the need to use fear, manipulation, anger and other means of control to impose a "truth" on someone that's the moment we know we drifted far away from it. Truth has a light feeling to it, truth can be shared, but never imposed, truth is that light that we choose to integrated in the darkness of our systems.
This is where we expand our light as bright as we can, expanding our Truth our honest, raw self in whichever way, shape or form that our soul desires to do it. This step is probably the most uncomfortable and it requires alot of courage because its about stepping out of our comfort zones and into the greatest and brightest expression of ourselves. This is about transmuting the darkness that has been corroding our entire System for so long and moving into much lighter states of BEING.
This expansion of our soul can only be done by embodying lighter feelings such as LOVE, KINDNESS, EMPATHY, COMPASSION, HONESTY, AUTHENTICITY, TRANSPARENCY, GRATITUDE, FORGIVENESS, TRUTH, JOY...



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