Awaken the warrior YT thumbnail

A FREE 3 day interactive experience that will help you connect to a healthy expression of your inner warrior. Come find the deeper meaning and purpose of today's warrior


Come and feel the connection that only an in person retreat can offer. Whether it is a Spirit Plant Medicine retreat or not, I will put in place all of my resources, knowledge and presence for you to enjoy a profound transformational experience within a safe space and trauma informed environment that will help you navigate your own healing journey with ease and confidence.🌳🏕🛖🌄🙏🏼

MWW (1)

So you've been through a psychedelic experience and now what? Are you going back to your old toxic habits or are you implementing the teachings of the plants and embodying them in your everyday life? After a psychedelic experience, going back to your everyday life can be very difficult to deal with. book a free call to know how I can help you integrate your experience and if this is a right fit for you or not

(French) (1)

🍄 Ce cours essentiel est conçu pour vous préparer en toute sécurité à participer à une cérémonie de plantes sacrées (enthéogènes) ou à une thérapie assistée par psychédéliques (T.A.P). Ensemble nous allons explorer les bases : Vous allez apprendre comment fonctionnent les psychédéliques, la différence entre psychédéliques vs enthéogènes, leurs effets, l'importance du cadre, les risques potentiels, les meilleures pratiques pour l'intégration et plus. Que vous soyez curieux ou déjà engagés dans ce chemin, ce cours vous donnera les outils pour naviguer ces expériences avec conscience et intention. 🍃

Sound healing posts (1920 × 1080 px) (1)

Are you an artist looking to take your musical creations to the next level? Or maybe you're a podcaster looking for a jingle that is unique? I offer custom instrumentals, Beatmaking, Mixing and Mastering services that will help you get a unique and professional sounding music that will compete with the current industry standards. Explore my offers to see which one is the best fit for you 🎶🎵🔥❤️

Sound healing posts (1920 × 1080 px)

Explore the Shamanic Sound Journeys. This is an album of 12 tracks and a few bonus😉A creation where each song and each sound makes you travel to a different place. Voice, drums, Native american flute, didgeridoo, magic drum, Tibetan singing bowls and other sacred instruments that will make you experience the connection to the elements, the ancestors, spirit animals and multidimensional beings through the vibration of sound and intention. 🎧🔥❤️